ScreenOS – Redundant Internet Connections on a Policy VPN

Product: ScreenOS
Version: 6.0 and higher

Network Topology

Two sites connected by VPN with one site having two internet access connections. They connect using policy based VPN.


This configuration has a redundant internet link on one side of a policy based vpn connection.  The creation of two gateways and a group allows for failover between the two links and setting one as the priority link.

  1. Create a VPN Group
  2. Configure two gateways, one for each outbound interface
  3. Configure an AutoKey IKE for each of the gateways and select the VPN group designating the primary connection with the higher priority number.
  4. Configure the Policy using the VPN tunnel option and associate this with the VPN group


1. Create VPN Group:

This allows the two circuits connections to be treated as a single device to the VPN tunnel policy.

set vpn-group id 1

VPNs – AutoKey Advanced – VPN Groups

2. Configure two Gateways

Create a gateway for each of the two outbound interfaces

set ike gateway Primary-GW address Main outgoing-interface “ethernet0/0” preshare Juniper== sec-level standard
set ike gateway Backup-GW address Main outgoing-interface “ethernet0/1” preshare Juniper== sec-level standard

VPNs – AutoKey Advanced – Gateway
New and select the correct interface for each on the advanced page

3. Configure AutoKey IKE

Create IPSEC object on each gateway and place into group

set vpn RemotePrimary gateway Primary-GW no-replay tunnel idletime 0 sec-level standard
set vpn-group id 1 vpn RemotePrimary weight 10
set vpn RemoteSecondary gateway Primary-GW no-replay tunnel idletime 0 sec-level standard
set vpn-group id 1 vpn RemoteSecondary weight 1

VPNs – AutoKey IKE
New select the correct gateway on the opening page
select the group on the advanced tab and set priority (higher is Primary)

4. Configure Policy Tunnel

The tunnel will associate with the group and can use either circuit connection but will prefer the higher priority one first.

set address Trust LocalLAN
set address Untrust RemoteLAN
set policy name RemoteVPN from Untrust to Trust LocalLAN ClinicLAN ANY tunnel vpn-group 1
set policy name RemoteVPN from Trust to Untrust LocalLAN RemoteLAN ANY tunnel vpn-group 1

Policies – Policy Objects – Addresses – List
Create Remote LAN address in Untrust zone
Create Local LAN address in trust zone
Policies – Policy
Create trust to untrust policy and check the box to create a matching policy
Select tunnel and select the VPN group


Confirm SA is up

get sa
VPNs – Monitor Status

Disconnect the primary ethernet cable and confirm the failover occurs


ScreenOS Concepts and Examples Guide

Route based VPN tunnels

Concepts & Examples Guide
Volume 5 Virtual Private Networks
Chapter 3 VPN Guidelines
Chapter 4 VPN: Sit-to-site VPN Configurations

Originally Posted June 04, 2011
Last Revised on June 04, 2011