Product: ScreenOS
Version: 6.0 and higher
Network Topology
Two sites that each have redundant internet connections. This establishes two VPN tunnels and uses OSPF to set routing priorities over the tunnels to use the primary line.
Each site has two internet connections and interfaces that allow route based VPNs to exist at the same time. Using OSPF route priorities the primary line is in use unless this fails. When the first tunnel fails the second will automatically take over. On restoration of the first line route priorities automatically revert to the primary line.
The process utilizes IPSEC VPN in route mode and OSPF.
- Create OSPF settings on the trust virtual router
- Assign the interfaces to the OSPF settings needed
- Create the IPSEC VPN gateway and connection
Zone Layout
untrust interface is ethernet0/0
trust interface is bgroup0
tunnel.1 interface is in trust zone
This zone layout puts all sites and tunnels into the same security zone. No policies need to be created on any device for full communications across the entire hub and spoke network. This is assuming that intra zone blocking is NOT enabled on any of the firewalls for the trust zone. This is the default behavior for the trust zone. You can change the zone of the tunnel interface to untrust and create policies as needed to allow traffic..
1. Create OSPF Settings
Set vr trust router-id **Change to match LAN ip address on site B
set vr trust protocol ospf
set vr trust protocol ospf enable
set vr trust protocol ospf area 1 (** Change to area 2 on Site B)
Network – Virtual Routers – Trust-vr (select edit)
Set router id and hit apply
Click on “Create OSPF instance”
Check enable OSPF on bottom (not distribute default route) and apply
Hit the Area Menu
Create Area 1 on site A and Area 2 on Site B
2. Assign OSPF settings to interfaces
Setup the bgroup0 LAN interface
set interface bgroup0 protocol ospf area 1 (**Change area 2 on site B)
set interface bgroup0 protocol ospf enable
Network – Interfaces – List
Select bgroup0 edit button
Select OSPF tab
Check Bind to Area 1 (**Change area 2 on site B)
Select Enable button
Remove reduce flooding default
Create and setup the tunnel interfaces for the VPN
set interface tunnel.1 zone Trust
set interface tunnel.1 ip (** change ip address to for site B)
set interface tunnel.1 protocol ospf area
set interface tunnel.1 protocol ospf enable
set interface tunnel.2 zone Trust
set interface tunnel.2 ip (**change ip address to for site B)
set interface tunnel.2 protocol ospf area
set interface tunnel.2 protocol ospf enable
set interface tunnel.2 protocol ospf cost 20
Create tunnel.1 and tunnel.2 with these parameters
Network – Interfaces – List
New Tunnel IF in upper right
Trust zone
bgroup0 interface
OSPF tab
Check Bind to Area 0
Check enable
Remove demand circuit and reduce flooding
Set as Point-to-point
On tunnel.2 raise the cost to 20
3. Create IPSEC VPN Gateways and connection
Gateways to remote site. Create two on each firewall and be sure to change the outgoing interface to the correct one for the primary and backup connections.
Firewall Site A
set ike gateway SiteB1-GW address Main outgoing-interface ethernet0/0 preshare juniper sec-level standard
set ike gateway SiteB2-GW address Main outgoing-interface ethernet0/1 preshare juniper sec-level standard
Firewall Site B
set ike gateway SiteA1-GW address Main outgoing-interface ethernet0/0 preshare juniper sec-level standard
set ike gateway SiteA2-GW address Main outgoing-interface ethernet0/1 preshare juniper sec-level standard
Firewall Site A
VPNs – AutoKey Advanced – Gateway
Create new gateway
Name SiteB1-GW (**Change to SiteB2-GW for secondary)
IP: (**change to for SiteB2-GW)
Advanced button
Preshared key: juniper
Outgoing interface ethernet0/0 (Change to ethernet 0/1 for SiteB2-GW)
Firewall Site B
VPNs – AutoKey Advanced – Gateway
Create new gateway
Name SiteA1-GW (**Change to SiteA2-GW for secondary)
IP: . (**change to for SiteA2-GW)
Advanced button
Preshared key: juniper
Outgoing interface ethernet0/0 (Change to ethernet 0/1 for SiteA2-GW)
Create AutoKey IKE Objects
Firewall Site A
set vpn SiteB1 gateway SiteB1-GW sec-level standard
set vpn SiteB1 bind interface tunnel.1
set vpn SiteB2 gateway SiteB2-GW sec-level standard
set vpn SiteB2 bind interface tunnel.2
VPNs – AutoKey IKE
Create New
Name SiteB1 (**change to SiteB2 for Secondary)
Associated gateway SiteB1-GW (**change to SiteB2-GW for Secondary)
Advanced button
Tunnel interface tunnel.1 (**change to tunnel.2 for secondary)
Firewall Site B
set vpn SiteA1 gateway SiteA1-GW sec-level standard
set vpn SiteA1 bind interface tunnel.1
set vpn SiteA2 gateway SiteA2-GW sec-level standard
set vpn SiteA2 bind interface tunnel.2
VPNs – AutoKey IKE
Create New
Name SiteA1 (**change to SiteA2 for Secondary)
Associated gateway SiteA1-GW (**change to SiteA2-GW for Secondary)
Advanced button
Tunnel interface tunnel.1 (**change to tunnel.2 for secondary)
From Site B checking routes to Site A
Testing from Site B
Using primary Connection
Check OSPF connection status
Verify that both connections show the neighbor status
get vr trust protocol ospf neighbor
VR: trust-vr RouterId:
Neighbor(s) on interface tunnel.2 (Area
IpAddr/IfIndex RouterId Pri State Opt Up StateChg
—————————————————————————— 1 Full E 00:09:47 (+6 -0)
Neighbor(s) on interface tunnel.1 (Area
IpAddr/IfIndex RouterId Pri State Opt Up StateChg
—————————————————————————— 1 Full E 00:01:33 (+6 -0)
Neighbor(s) on interface bgroup0 (Area
get route protocol ospf
IPv4 Dest-Routes for <trust-vr> (15 entries)
ID IP-Prefix Interface Gateway P Pref Mtr Vsys
* 41 tun.1 O 60 11 Root
Total number of ospf routes: 1
During failover
get route protocol ospf
ID IP-Prefix Interface Gateway P Pref Mtr Vsys
* 39 tun.2 O 60 21 Root
Total number of ospf routes: 1
Network – Routing – Destination.
ScreenOS Concepts and Examples Guide
Route based VPN tunnels
Concepts & Examples Guide
Volume 5 Virtual Private Networks
Chapter 3 VPN Guidelines
Chapter 4 VPN: Sit-to-site VPN Configurations
Concepts & Examples Guide
Volume 7 Routing
Chapter 3
Originally Posted June 04, 2011
Last Revised on June 04, 2011