PHP Link Collection

A list of links collected over the last four years of programming in PHP & MYSQL for the web. These sites have proven useful for various functions. I use Dreamweaver with Homesite on the PC or BBedit on the Mac. Although in the last year or so I’ve just used Dreamweaver alone. Hence the collection of extentions for those products.


MySQL Reference Manual
MyDB Studio: Simplify your MySQL admin ! (Best MySQL front end)
mysqlimport Data Import Program
MySQL Loading Data into a Table
MySQL: The World’s Most Popular Open Source Database
Client does not support authentication protocol
phpMyAdmin | MySQL Database Administration Tool |


Using the method – Free Cut-and-Paste JavaScript
Project Info – TinyMCE Browser editor
Web / Programming / JavaScript – (TM) – The Definitive JavaScript Resource: JavaScript Tutorials, Free Java Scripts, Source Code and Other Scripting Resources

PHP Scripts :: PHP :: Scripts and Programs
PHP Application Tools 
The PHP Resource Index: Complete Scripts
PHP Scripts –
The PHP Resource Index

PHP Lessons

PEAR :: Manual :: HTML_Template_IT
SitePoint : New Articles, Fresh Thinking for Web Developers and Designers
PECL :: The PHP Extension Community Library – main page – PHP Help, the best resource for PHP tutorials, templates, PHP manuals, content management systems, scripts, classes and more.
PHP: Variable Handling Functions – Manual

PHP Manual

PHP: Mail Functions – Manual
PHP: mail – Manual
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP: Database issues – Manual
PHP: mSQL Functions – Manual
PHP: error_reporting – Manual
PHP: Comparison Operators – Manual
PHP: Filesystem Functions – Manual
PHP: PDF functions – Manual
PHP: empty – Manual

Originally Posted June 21, 2009
Last Revised on July 02, 2016