NOTE: This product was sold by Juniper and now operates as an independent company Pulse Secure.
Another certification under my belt, I’ve picked up one on the SSL VPN products for Juniper in November 2010. These are the full service line of client proxy VPN access. I’ve just completed the JNCIS-SSL (Juniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist SSL-VPN). I used the following resources to prepare for the exam.
Free Resources
Watching the sales demo can help get the big picture. This short video provides the overview of how the using this already.
Next stop is the tech support landing page for the mid-range SA-4000 series. This organizes access to the getting started guide, manual, tech notes and all the related material for the series.
Paid Material but helpful for me
The general introduction to the concepts and configuration from Syngress press is Secure Access SSL VPN Configuration Guide. This is a great organized walk through of what is needed to use the SA.
I also picked up the Configuring Juniper Networks Secure Access Course ware from the fulfillment site. This is the book and labs from the two day introduction class for self study. I’m working my way through this in the evenings a couple hours at a time.
Originally Posted November 11, 2010
Last Revised on November 27, 2010