Church Slavonic Chant Manuscript in Stolp Notation

I acquired this manuscript from an antique dealer in Atlanta on eBay. The manuscript is an Old Church Slavonic Obikhodnik Chant book, hand written in black with chant notation in both black and red. The cover is gilt tooled calf with two claps, one is broken. There are three raised bands on the spine. Page edges are stained red. Size is 7.5 x 9.5″ and it is 2.5″ thick. There is no title page, content begins immediately.

There are very few page numbers through out and all are still in “pencil”, not yet inked over. A number of pages are incomplete. Some of the ornate work is still in “pencil” some in outline and some text is missing the chant notation. The text is in Cyrillic Church Slavonic and the chant notation is type B neumes.