Bibliography of Church History

General Bibliography

Angold, Michael. Eastern Christianity. Vol. 5 The Cambridge history of Christianity. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

This 700 page volume in the Oxford series on church history focuses on the eastern churches. This is a collection of 23 essays by various authors covering the scope of eastern churches, time periods and issues.

Attwater, Donald. The Christian churches of the East. 2 vols. Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co., 1947.

This two volume set is a revision and update of the Attwater’s earlier work. Volume one covers eastern churches in union with Rome and volume two the Orthodox eastern churches.

Binns, John. An introduction to the Christian Orthodox churches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

This picks up church history with the rise of Byzantium but includes discussion of non-Byzantine based churches. The focus is theology and liturgy and not separate histories of the independent churches. Binns also covers recent events in Eastern Europe and the relationship of church and state in the Orthodox world.

Congregation for the Eastern Churches, Vatican. Instruction for applying the liturgical prescriptions of the code of canons of the Eastern Churches.ed. Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Fairfax, VA: Eastern Christian Publications, 1996.

This at times terse and dry listing of over 100 instructions on how to practice the faith in our church is issued by the Vatican to help us recover our traditions. While written primarily for the religious it makes for an interesting commentary on the state of the liturgical life of our church.

Cunningham, Mary. Faith in the Byzantine world. IVP histories. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2002.

Covers in brief the history of the Byzantine church from the founding at Constantine to the fall to the Ottoman Turks (330CE and 1453CE). Thematically arranged with liturgy, architecture, iconography and relations with the Latin west.

Di Berardino, Angelo. Encyclopedia of the early church. Translated by Adrian Walford. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

A good starting point for overview information on the first eight centuries of the church. The two-volume 2300 entry book was compiled by scholars at the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum in Rome. The bibliography on each entry is also a good starting point for research.

Ferguson, Everett, Michael P. McHugh, and Frederick W. Norris, eds. Encyclopedia of early Christianity. Garland reference library of the humanities. New York: Garland Pub., 1997.

A good starting point for overview information covering the first seven centuries of the church. The set has about 1200 entries contributed by a wide range of scholars and institutions. The bibliography on each entry is also a good starting point for research.

Küng, Hans. The Catholic Church : a short history. Translated by John Bowden. New York: Modern Library, 2001.

Presents the history of the western church from the founding to the present day. Covers the role of the papacy and schism in the church. A strong collection of the Roman Churches response to modern issues and concerns like women’s rights and scientific issues.

Parry, Ken, ed. The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

This collection of 24 sections covers a range of topics in Eastern Christianity. Each section is written by an expert in that field. This covers both Byzantine based churches and the other eastern christian cultures. They also deal with recent changes in eastern europe and the middle east.

Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600). Vol. 1. 5 vols. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971.

Part one of the five volume series on covering the history of the Christian church from foundation to modern times. This covers the establishment of the church and the earliest theological controversies. The text is thoroughly cross-referenced to the contemporaneous works of the early church fathers indicated by name and book reference in the margin. This also contains an excellent scriptural index and extensive bibliography.

________. The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700). Vol. 2. 5 vols. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974.

Part two of the five volume series on covering the history of the Christian church from foundation to modern times. This volume covers only the Churches of the Eastern Empire. The west for this period is covered in volume three. This gives an excellent background to the theological controversies of period, including the great east/west split. The text is thoroughly cross-referenced to the contemporaneous works of the early church fathers indicated by name and book reference in the margin. This also contains an excellent scriptural index and extensive bibliography.

________. The growth of medieval theology (600-1300). Vol. 3. 5 vols. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978.

Part three of the five volume series on covering the history of the Christian church from foundation to modern times. This covers the western church history from the early phase to the development of medieval scholasticism. This also contains an excellent scriptural index and extensive bibliography.

________. Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700). Vol. 4. 5 vols. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.

Part four of the five volume series on covering the history of the Christian church from foundation to modern times. This covers the medieval scholastic period in the west and the protestant reformation. This also contains an excellent scriptural index and extensive bibliography.

________. Christian doctrine and modern culture (since 1700). Vol. 5. 5 vols. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

Part five of the five volume series on covering the history of the Christian church from foundation to modern times. This covers the final period of modern developments. This also contains an excellent scriptural index and extensive bibliography.

Roberson, Ronald G. The Eastern Christian Churches : a brief survey. 6th ed. Roma: Orientalia Christiana, 1999.

First published in 1986 this excellent survey of eastern churches both catholic and Orthodox is now in the sixth edition. There is a brief section for each church covering both the Byzantine and non-Byzantine traditions across a wide geography. The sections include liturgy, customs and history for each tradition.

Taft, Robert F. The Byzantine rite: a short history. Collegeville, Mn: Liturgical Press, 1992.

This short hundred-page booklet provides a quick synopsis of Byzantine liturgical development. This provides both quick reference as to why we have our current liturgical tradition but also well documented footnotes for further study in any area of interest.

Williams, Rowan. Why study the past?: the quest for the historical church. Sarum theological lectures. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2005.

This short treatise makes an appeal to see the relevance of the history of the church for us today. Williams challenges us to see the moral course of events and apply that same compass to the issues of our day. He examines the churches response to crisis in major movements over the centuries for lessons in the same for today.

Cultural & Religious Background

Bickerman, Elias.From Ezra to the last of the Maccabees: Foundations of postbiblical Judaism. New York: Schocken Books, 1962.

Ezra marks the close of the post-Babylonian exile period of Israel’s history. The Maccabees are the close of Old Testament history. This historical study covers this pivotal period of Jewish history. During these formative years Israel entered into relationship with the Roman Empire and ends as an occupied territory by the birth of Christ. The book outlines the major players of the period and the path of Israel from independence to occupation.

Brown, Peter and Robert Lamont. The world of late antiquity, AD 150-750. NewYork: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.

This period in the western Roman empire marks the transition from the fall of Rome to the foundations for the medieval church. The book is divided into two sections, the first covering the transition from classic Roman authority to a rise in power for Christians. In the second section the book covers the political transitions in the west following the fall of Rome and how these created the rise of the medieval church. In the east a different dynamic is in effect as the capital city remains intact but the empire is still challenged at the edges.

Freyne, Seán. The world of the New Testatment. Vol. 2 New Testament Message, ed. Wilfrid Harrington. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1980.

Freyne provides a brief cultural history of the first centuries of the Christian era. The book covers the historical and cultural background of the Greek and Roman aspects of the empire. The Jewish background is dealt with as well. With this background the formation of Christian is discussed.

Murphy, Frederick J. The religious world of Jesus: an introduction to second temple Palestinean Judaism. Nashville: Abingdon, 1991.

The second temple period covers from the restoration of the temple after the Babylonian exile, roughly 520 BC, to the destruction of that temple by the Romans in 70 AD. This is a study of the religious and cultural forces at work in Jewish history of the period. The emphasis is on religious observance, social groups and literary activity. The book includes a brief discussion on the relationship of Jesus’ Gospel teachings to this religious history. Each chapter has a short bibliography for further study.

Early Church History

Brown, Raymond Edward. The community of the beloved disciple. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

Brown attempts to describe the ecclesiology of the community that produced the Gospel and letters of John. The opening chapter describes a method of deriving a structure out of an ancient historical document. He then applies this method to imagine how this early Christian community was organized and run.

________. The churches the apostles left behind. New York: Paulist Press, 1984.

In this brief hundred and fifty-page study Brown collects what can be gleaned from scripture and primary sources about the church immediately after the death of the apostles. Brown terms this the “sub-apostolic” church. Hard information from this time period is very sparse. But Brown organizes what information is available and creates plausible pictures of the individual communities described.

Eusebius. The history of the church from Christ to Constantine. Translated by G. A. Williamson and Andrew Louth. Penguin classics. New York: Penguin Books, 1989.

Eusebius created the earliest history of the church we still have extant. He worked shortly after the church became legal with the decree of Constantine the great. This is an important early source for historical information.

Florovsky, Georges. The Byzantine ascetic and spiritual fathers. Translated by Raymond Miller. Vol. 10 The Collected Works. Vaduz, Europa: Büchervertriebsanstalt, 1987.

This series of books by Father Florovsky were originally delivered as lectures in Russian during the thirties. They provide a basic background, biography and history of the major fathers in the period.

________. The Eastern Fathers of the fifth century. Translated by Raymond Miller. Vol. 8 The Collected Works. Vaduz, Europa: Büchervertriebsanstalt, 1987.

This series of books by Father Florovsky were originally delivered as lectures in Russian during the thirties. They provide a basic background, biography and history of the major fathers in the period.

________. The Eastern Fathers of the fourth century. Translated by Catherine Edmunds. Vol. 7 The Collected Works. Vaduz, Europa: Büchervertriebsanstalt, 1987.

This series of books by Father Florovsky were originally delivered as lectures in Russian during the thirties. They provide a basic background, biography and history of the major fathers in the period.

________. The Eastern Fathers of the sixth to eighth centuries. Translated by Raymond Miller. Vol. 9 The Collected Works. Vaduz, Europa: Büchervertriebsanstalt, 1987.

This series of books by Father Florovsky were originally delivered as lectures in Russian during the thirties. They provide a basic background, biography and history of the major fathers in the period.

Hall, Christopher A. Reading scripture with the church fathers. Ancient Christian Commentary, ed. Thomas Oden. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1998.

This book is a supplement volume to the Ancient Christian Commentary on scripture series dealing with patristic exegesis. There is a general introduction to the fathers and the relationship of their methods to modern study. Separate chapters review four main figures in the east and west in patristic exegesis. Hall also devotes a chapter each to both Antioch and Alexandria and their schools of interpretation.

Simonetti, Manlio. Biblical interpretation in the early church: an historical introduction to patristic exegesis. Translated by John A. Hughes. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1994.

Simonetti provides a strong introduction to the different schools of patristic exegesis and methods. He provides chapters on Antioch, Alexandria and the Cappadocians. He also looks at the methods of Augustine and Jerome in the west. The book compares these orthodox methods to the gnostic ones and provides a section on later developments in the fifth and six centuries both east and west.

Socrates. “The Ecclesiastical History.” In Scocrates, Sozomenus: Church Histories, ed. A. C. Zenos, Nicene And Post-Nicene Fathers. Vol. 2, 1-178. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1995.

Socrates was a fifth century historian who took on the task of continuing the work of the Eusebius Church History. His work spans from around 300 to 450 AD. He strictly covers eastern church affairs in the process and is generally silent on the affairs of the western church. This is an important early source of information.

Controversies & Councils

Hall, Christopher A. Learning theology with the church fathers. Ancient Christian Commentary, ed. Thomas Oden. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2002.

This book is a supplement volume to the Ancient Christian Commentary on scripture series dealing with the major theological controversies in patristic literature. Each chapter is organized around these themes: Christology, Trinity, Holy Spirit, Sin & Grace, God’s providence, scripture, resurrection and the church.

Hardy, Edward Rochie. Christology of the later Fathers. Vol. 3 The Library of Christian classics. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1954.

Contains translations with introductions of Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa’s works on Christology. These are the “live” arguments contemporaneous with the council decisions on the nature of Christ and the incarnation. This also includes translations of the documents of the councils related to Christology.

Tsirpanlis, Constantine N. Introduction to eastern patristic thought and Orthodox theology. Vol. 30 Theology and life series. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press: A Michael Glazier Book, 1991.

Tsirpanlis organizes this treatise thematically. The book covers the thought of Greek Fathers on the themes of Creation, Anthropology, Christology, Pneumatology, and Eschatology.

Eastern Catholic Church Histories

Baum, Wilhelm, and Dietmar W. Winkler. The Church of the East : a concise history. New York: Routledge Curzon, 2003.

A reasonably complete history of the Syriac tradition in English. Covering the major time periods and the geographic dispersion of the people. This also overviews the Christological controversies that drive relations with other Christian communities.

Gudziak, Borys. Crisis and reform: the Kyivan Metropolitanate, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the genesis of the Union of Brest. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.

A general history of the Ukrainian jurisdiction from the Union of Brest to the events after the fall of the USSR. The appendix includes an English translation of the union document.

Korolevsky, Cyril, Nicholas Samra, and John Collorafi. History of the Melkite Patriarchates. 4 vols. Fairfax, VA: Eastern Christian Publications, 1998.

This is a three part series in four books. This covers the history of the Melkite church from the founding till the modern period. The last two volumes split the coverage among topic areas: Institutions, Liturgy, Hierarchy, Canon Law, Organization & Lists.

Moosa, Matti. The Maronites in history. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1986.

Moosa covers the history of Maronites from the beginnings of the church until modern times. He deals in detail with the central character of John Maron and the monastery of his followers. The book also deals with the current identity crisis from the political situation in the mid-east and the dispersion of the faithful.

Nersoyan, H. J. A history of the Armenian Church. New York: Council for Religious Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, 1963.

A full history of the Armenian church from an Orthodox perspective. This is an official publication of the Armenian Orthodox in the USA.

Procko, Bohdan P. Ukrainian Catholics in America: a history. Washington DC: University Press of America, 1982.

This covers the period from turn of the century immagration through publication in the early eighties for Ukrainians in the USA. While only about 100 pages of text this work is well footnoted and does hit all the major points for the period covered.

Salim, Anthony J. Captivated by your teachings : a resource book for adult Maronite Catholics. Staten Island, NY: Saint Maron Pub., 1999.

A comprehensive overview of the Maronite church and their theology, liturgy, scripture and faith life. This offers a well organized overview with seven appendixes on various topics. Includes a bibliography for further reading.

Warzeski, Walter C. Byzantine rite Rusins in Carpatho-Ruthenia and America. Pittsburgh: Byzantine Seminary Press, 1971.

A general history of the Ruthenian jurisdiction starting with the Union of Uzhorod to the end of WWII in both europe and america. The appendix includes a translation of the union document.

Eastern Catholic Jurisdictions in the United States


Official Web Site for Our Lady of Nareg in New York for Armenian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Our Lady of Nareg in New York for Armenian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site of St. Peter The Apostle Diocese for Chaldeans and Assyrians in Western U. S. A. 2009. Accessed 7/2/2009 2009. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Saint Peter the Apostle of San Diego for Chaldean Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2009. Accessed 7/2/2009 2009. Web. Available from
Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Detroit for Chaldean Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site of Diocese of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles for Maronite Catholics . 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web Site of Diocese of Saint Maron of Brooklyn for Maronite Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles for Maronite Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from


Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Saint Maron of Brooklyn for Maronite Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site for Diocese of Newton for Melkite Catholics . 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Newton for Melkite Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site of Diocese of Saint George’s in Canton for Romanian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Saint George’s in Canton for Romanian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official web site for Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pittsburgh for Ruthenian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Available from

Official Web Site of Diocese of Van Nuys for Ruthenian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web Site of Diocese of Passaic for Ruthenian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web Site of Diocese of Parma for Ruthenian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pittsburgh for Ruthenian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Van Nuys for Ruthenian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Passaic for Ruthenian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Parma for Ruthenian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site of Diocese of Our Lady of Deliverance of Newark for Syrian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Our Lady of Deliverance of Newark for Syrian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site of Diocese of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago for Syro-Malabar Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Diocese of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago for Syro-Malabar Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.


Official Web Site of Syro-Malankara Apostolic Exarchate New York. 2009. Accessed 7/2/2009 2009. Web. Available from


Official Web Site Synod of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web Site of Metropolitan Archdiocese of Philadelphia for Ukrainian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web Site of Diocese of Stamford for Ukrainian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web Site Diocese of Saint Nicholas of Chicago for Ukrainian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Official Web SiteDiocese of Saint Josaphat in Parma for Ukrainian Catholics. 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Chow, Gabriel. Metropolitan Archdiocese of Philadelphia for Ukrainian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Stamford for Ukrainian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Saint Nicholas of Chicago for Ukrainian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

________. Diocese of Saint Josaphat in Parma for Ukrainian Catholics. Giga-Catholic Information, 2008. Accessed 2/3/2008 2008. Web. Available from

Giga-Catholic provides a directory of basic information on all Catholic jurisidictions throughout the world. This includes the current, retired and previous bishops for the jurisdiction along with the cathedral location and foundation history.

Originally Posted June 13, 2009
Last Revised on September 07, 2015